Support Us

Cards for Good Causes has been running for more than 60 years and we have raised over £40 million for charities across the UK in the last ten years alone. We couldn’t do it without the support of our wonderful volunteers and customers!

The last two years have been tricky, but we’re still here. We’ve experienced some great highs too, so thank you for all your support – every donation, like, comment, share, or purchase of cards and gifts makes a huge impact.

Your help enables us to continue to support over 70 amazing charities who work in a variety of vital areas. Find out more about the charities we support by clicking here

All donations to Cards for Good Causes helps us in keeping our running costs to a minimum, meaning we can return even more money to the charities we support. Donating is easy! Take a look at the links below for different ways to support us. All donations make a huge difference.

From everybody at Cards for Good Causes: Thank you for your support!


Choose any amount and donate to Cards For Good Causes on our website by clicking here.



Raise donations for Cards for Good Causes when you shop on-line! Use Easyfundraising to shop with over 7000 brands including Amazon, Argos, The brands will donate part of what you spend on their website to us. It won't cost you any extra. The cost is covered by the brand. Click here to start shopping for Cards for Good Causes.


Cards For Good Causes, 5 Brayford Square, London, E1 0SG


For salaried employees, works through the UK's PAYE system. There are also tax relief benefits. Find out more by clicking here.



Simply donate through your PayPal a/c or using a debit or credit card. Click here to visit PayPal.



Throw a birthday fundraiser on Facebook! Click here to visit our Facebook page.

In our Christmas pop-up shops 

You can donate in store at the tills. Just pick the amount you want to give and tap your card. Check our store locations by clicking here.

Leave a gift in your Will

Leaving a gift in your Will is a wonderful way to support all our charities, from large to small. When you leave a gift to Cards for Good Causes in your Will not only will it be used to help us give even more back to all our charities and find new charities to support, but it also helps us to support communities across the country, from large churches to small libraries. Click here to reach our team who would be absolutely delighted to discuss this further with you.